Sunday, December 6, 2009

  1. In SDLC we have the following phases
    High Level Design
    Micro level Design
    Unit Testing
    System integration testing

HLD : In the CDB project we went through the following during the HLD :
Create a relationship database based on the business requirement.Points : we nused the SQL express edition for the design and implementation of the same. Use DB diagram to find the missing links between the db table. Then we create the foreign key links to create the link between the existing tables.
The fKey links are between the parent and the child tables. he we create the parent table and then we create the child table. the we create the fKey link between the two .
Example is the service_master table then we create the service_filter table and the link bwteen the two is the service_id which exist in both the tables.
While creating the DB diagram and presenting the same to the client we used MS Visio to create a 'CrowFeet Diagram'. This is really simple to create and then we can display the same to the client in MS Word.
In this phase we have to create the class diagram also to reflect the design of the database into the application urig the coding phase.Hence the 1:many concept that we created in DB design is reflected here in the class diagram.We used MS Word for creating this diagram.
Also created a workflow diagram using Visio.

Coding :
We used the MVC design pattern for the CDB project.
Downloaded and used the SQL helper class to connect and disconnect from the database.
Transaction doent work with SQL helper class . Instead we have to use normal connection to connect to DB for transactions opening and closing.
During the development of the solution we realized that the .Net treeview class could not be used as the tree view class produced its own html code that we could not manipulate to our needs. Hence we took the drastic step to create the tree view dynamically with the help of html and . The tree view is created during page load .
There we had to use another limportant aspect of the soltion i.e Ajax.dll . this helped us create the tree without postback.
So we fetched the data from the db and craeeted the tree at the backend(.cs) file. Then we passed this stringbuilder to the javascript function that called it and attached it to the div that was created to hole the tree that we create from tables and rows in the backend.
In the beginning we create the tree in on body Load and then we create the child from the GetchiIdren() method.
We also use the help of AJAX .dll for displaying the expansion and contractionof the tree
setting bordercolor and border=2 helped us a lot in the debusiing of the solution.
realized that the base load loads first and then the master page loads.
So to make things work wer had to create basePage and then place the same in the App_code folder.We then inherited all the reqd pages from this class and proceeded with coding.
This point helped us track the user concerned and the rights that he possesed and the page settings/displays for him.
New thing , we created an .msi file for the creation and deployment of the setup file on the client machine.We have to source the project output from the project solution to the .msi file.To create an.Msi file so that it deploys to thelocal hoist of the target computefr we have to create a web project that in our localhost and then we create setup file in the same folder as the project.
We aslo have the option to publish a project from the .Net compiler.
the challenge of creating a MSWord file from .Net was accomplished using this project.This was implemented using the following line of code :

string fileName = "CDBDetails.doc";Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/msword");Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName);Response.Write(builder);
Use page breaks and the following line :


the challenge of creating a PDF file from .Net was accomplished using this project.Had to use the DynamicPDF software for implementing this solution.
Also we got the feel of disableing keys when page loads .
Opening new modal window from an existing window.
Javascrip replace only works to replace the first instance of the occuring caharachter . we have to use the follwing piec of code to replace all ocurances of the charachter :
function ReplaceAll(Source,stringToFind,stringToReplace){var temp = Source;var index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);while(index != -1){temp = temp.replace(stringToFind,stringToReplace);index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);}return temp;}
us indexof statement for searching through the textbox values
if(storagetxt.value.indexOf(services[loopcount])>=0){ storagetxt.value = storagetxt.value.replace(services[loopcount], ""); }
Used RichTxt editor for user input of values in the Admin screen.Code available in Net
When creating a website we should first create the same for Mozilla and then try testing the same for I.E.
Deplying the same in the server:

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