Saturday, February 16, 2013

Android/Apple/Windows phone with SharePOint 2013.

Android/Apple/Windows phone with SharePoint 2013.

Reference :
Know that something of the above type is possible with SharePoint 2013.
The below article give sus a quick glimpse into how that is possible.

Device channels are available only for SharePoint 2013 publishing sites.

There exists Device channels that help us target our SharePoint data/image towards a
particular device etc.

using the same we can specify which master page will be used for  rendering content
in which mobile OS.
Say , we can target the Windows7.5 from one channel(Channel1)  and then
Anroid on (Channel2)  and Apple on (Channel3). Also specify which master page will nbe used where.

The Agent substring will specify the make/os for the devices being targeted.

A device channel panel is a container that can be used on a master page or page layout when you want specific content to render based on the alias of a given device channel, or set of channels. For example, you may have a web part or control that you want revealed only on the desktop view of the site, and not on any mobile device. The device channel panel can enable you to encapsulate this web part in code, and enable you to render it only through a designated device channel. A major benefit of device channel panels over using Display:None in a CSS class is that the content inside a device channel panel is not rendered at all on the non-specified channels. Also, device channel panels can be used to reduce the rendered size of a page for devices by eliminating bulky content. This provides a way to increase site responsiveness on bandwidth-constrained devices.

Site settings or site master page settings lets you specify which master page to pick.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

SharePoint 2010 Social Aspect

new Social  service app :

when we creating a new instance UPS(user Profile service) app then 3 databases  gets created :
1.Synch database
2.Profile database
3.Social/tagging database.

Have to app pool to run in.
have to deal also with permission

Publish the same .

social2(above)  shows us the how/which to select while picking users from repositories.
Dont do a 'select all' while doing an import from AD etc.
You can specify other filters too.

social1.(above) give the option of 'Synchronization' .
1.There we cans select 'Connection'
and specify the user respository and username/password for the same.
also filters.

2. Profile Import is another  area that can be specified : Incremental/FullSynch.

Behind the scenes its a ForeFront Indentity Mgr that is used  for the  synch work.

socialFIM(above) gives us the location for running the service and how to see the same .
You can see the UI there by dbclicking on it .

socialFIM2(above) gives another shot.

socialWPActivation(above). tells us that the webpart in question can be deployed in 2 ways :

No activation : The wsp solution doesnt get activated
Default : The wsp solution  gets activated on the target site on  deployment .

40:00 to 50:00 tells us all about the deployment and packaging of web parts etc.

socialDllAdding4(above) is used for adding the dlls that are used for User profile service.

Office.Server.User Profile

WSP builder is a separate toll that can be used for builing for SP2007 and 2010

socialCoding5(above) tells us the code that is reqd for the web parts.

socialSynch6(above) gives code for the changes that can accesssed using the

So we get the capacbility to go and look at the changed data.
Using the code one can put inplcae queries and also filters for filtering content that needs to be filtered during
any updates/sych etc.

MVP Mathew McDermot. MSDN sample  published


Now we should have an automated way to update data that can be fetched from outside services/systems.Finding twitter feed/linked in profile etc with the right webservice .
So its the idea of having  a Timer Job that will run at the times and look at things -- we can define some character and put in a particular field .eg. ### etc.

Sample shows how to get the connection to linkedin etc. and log the info there at a regular interval.

when to